The weekend was wet in Atlanta. It made for a nice Sunday to have tickets to the afternoon basketball game. We were not missing the weather outside by being inside the Arena. Our poor boy was so confussed. He knew we were going to the Hawks game but kept wanting to see Hockey. Hockey and Basketball are played in the same arena in Atlanta. He loves Hockey, loves the Thrashers and loves Thrash, who he calls "Big Bird". It did not take too long after the guys started playing that he was enjoying the basketball game and over not seeing hockey.
Turns out, it was the birthday celebration for the mascots, Harry the Hawk and SkyHawk. So to help them celebrate, other mascots were at the game too. My boy got to see Big Bird (Thrash) after all.
One other funny from the game... I was sure to get a little program from the game for us because Bug likes to look at them over and over again, and ask what is that man doing in all of the pictures... anyway... in the Hawks program the dance team is pictured together, full body shots in two piece outfits. Bug says...."look at their bellies. tickle tickle. Daddy... I tickle their belly." Too funny and daddy was proud!
Valentine Pajamas for My Girl
4 weeks ago
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