Thanks so much for your feedback on my random questions. Just a few updates for you... we are going on vacation in May and decided not to stay at a Sterling Resort because I found a good deal on VRBO for a one bedroom condo where we have stayed in the past. A comparable deal at the other resort was a studio and not a real one bedroom. So we are taking advantage of the real condo (full kitchen, bedroom, two bathrooms, and living room)
I did buy a scale. The dial has not moved down or up so I can not complain. I start my boot camp on Saturday. The group received an email today from the trainer saying to be ready to have our "camp booted".
As far as the house situation goes, I think we should move. Adding on to the house, we risk not getting our money worth at time of resale and you know some additions look tacky. (not that I would approve of tacky, but that might get expensive.)
And finally about the hair... right now I am blending conditioner and gel.
Now on to something else -- the self-discovery.... I am a shy person and I need to come out of my shell for the sake of my family. I need to meet new people and new moms and make friends for my family. I am still new at this wife and mother thing. I could easily fall back into being the daughter and sister. But I must make a family of my own. Have you ever struggled with this concept? Now, I am the quiet one in the group of girlfriends. And listen more then share or speak up. But I also wonder if I have been in the wrong groups. I don't mind hearing about decorating your child's bedroom with all that is from Pottery Barn or what you are going to do at their next birthday party. But it seems like you are competing with one another instead of sharing something of value. I am not sure if this is even making sense. I do think I will write more on this topic as it is close to my heart and I want to be a good wife and mother. And this is a way I can share, document and check back on myself.
Hope you are having a good week. I know the spring weather has got to be around the corner...
Valentine Pajamas for My Girl
4 weeks ago
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